Tuesday, January 3, 2012

In the beginning we didn't blog...

All good things must have a beginning. And since I would not want to put my name on anything less than astounding, here's mine. A couple refer to me as daughter, a few delight in yelling sister, some call me friend, the lucky three have titled me Mom, one says "That's my wifey", and I call me crazy. My name is Katie...stay at home wife and mother of three. On September 9, 2005 I was lucky enough to earn my title as wife. February 11, 2007 mom was added to my resume. I did not earn "stay at home" status until July 10, 2011 when our third bundle of joy graced us with her presence. So, here I am...at home......long pause....

Someone recently asked me, "If you had one hour of free time, what would you do?" Immediately I responded, "Is my house clean?" At that moment I realized, I've become domestic. I believe, as a mom, it's easy to forget who you are, or maybe I should say were. Obviously we change over the years. Life happens, we adapt and overcome praying our way through the good, the bad and the ugly. When I was 17 I stayed out until midnight because that's when my parentals told me I had to be home. Now, I would rather be in my pajamas as the sun is going down and in bed before the clock gets to double digits. When I was in college I slept until noon because class didn't start until 1:00. Now, my son offers a 6:00 AM wake up call free of charge. He's so thoughtful that way. Before I worried about a mortgage payment, I left my shoes in the middle of the floor. Well, my parents got their revenge. I think I have moved our laundry hamper seven times hoping my husband might realize we have one and put his clothes in it, but to no avail. I tell myself there are more important things in life than things being in their place. One day I will listen to my own advice.

So back to that question. If I had an hour of free time, my house was clean, and I had a full nights sleep (if you're a fellow mom you know the stars must be aligned just right for this to ever be the case) I would..........I'm thinking.......just give me a minute something will come to me....well, there you have it, I just wasted my hour trying to remember what it was that I enjoy. Maybe when the kids are older. Until then, I'll blog after they go to bed. What will I blog about anyway? There is more to being a mom than just cleaning. There's fun stuff too! Cooking, crafting, baking, playing, singing, dancing...the possibilities are endless. This blog is not for you, it's for me. So, follow me if you want...I would love to feel like I have groupies. But if you don't like it, don't pretend like you do, just don't read it. I don't need to know all the ways I'm making you miserable. My kids will let me know how I've ruined their lives when they're teenagers.


  1. As an "older" mother, or should I say a mother of older children (there, that's better!), I look forward to hearing your "confessions" and the life lessons that go along with them. My goal has been to raise my children to think for themselves, and to prepare them to live in the real world on their own and make wise decisions that they can be proud of. The reward comes on that day when they do something or say something that confirms that they actually did listen and hear at some point during their teenage years, and they GOT IT!

  2. LOVE IT! Katie you are awesome :) I can't wait to read more!

  3. And Mom...I mean "YaYa"...you're awesome too! How in the world did I get so blessed as to have not one but TWO amazing role models in my life? :)
